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Was online more than two weeks ago


Male, 40 years, born on 19 August 1984

Not looking for a job

Sterlitamak, not willing to relocate, not prepared for business trips

Instrumentation, Commissioning Control System Supervisor (Coordinator)

5 500 $ in hand

  • Other

Employment: full time, project work

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, rotation based work

Work experience 16 years 4 months

September 2022currently
2 years 7 months
JSC Gazstroyprom
Chief Specialist in the organization of works
January 2020November 2021
1 year 11 months

Svobodny, www.nipigas.ru

Expert of project management
- Organization of interfaces between the EPC contractor/Project office/Customer; - Preparation of analytical documents, reports and presentation materials for Management on the status of construction of the object on the basis of consolidated information on the progress of the project in the following areas Engineering/Supply/Construction; - Preparation together with the Department of construction of corrective measures for the exit of disciplines from the «red zone»; - Determination of Engineering and Delivery priorities for work, participation in meetings on work planning and provision of «open fronts»; - Monitoring and ensuring the execution of orders of the Management, the Customer (bringing to the performer, control); - Identifying the causes of deviations from the construction schedule and achieving mechanical readiness of objects, analyzing and developing measures to eliminate them, taking measures to prevent them; - Preparation of documents within the scope of its competence to start conducting claim work; - Monitoring the progress of construction of facilities, monitoring the fulfillment of contractual obligations by contractors within the framework of the project implementation
October 2019December 2019
3 months

Moscow, www.nipigas.ru

Leading engineer for construction organization
- Accounting of completed construction and installation works, preparation of reporting forms on the implementation of capital construction plans; - Operational control over the progress of construction and installation works in accordance with the design and regulatory and technical documentation; - Preparation of technical requests for adjustment of project documentation; - Preparation of information materials for meetings in the field of activity; - Interaction with related departments in terms of eliminating comments that prevent the transfer of objects to operation; - Maintaining, systematically updating and monitoring the execution of the calendar and network schedule for the completion of construction
March 2018November 2018
9 months
«Sibintek» LLC

Krasnoyarsk, sibintek.ru/

Head of capital construction site
- Organization and control of construction and installation and commissioning works in accordance with the requirements of design and estimate documentation, construction norms and rules, technical conditions and other regulatory documents in the scope and terms defined by the terms and conditions of the contract; - Participation in acceptance tests, comprehensive testing of objects completed by capital construction, in terms of automation systems, fire protection systems; - Maintenance of production documentation, execution of technical documentation during installation, commissioning and testing of equipment/systems; - Participation in commissions for acceptance of equipment/systems into operation, registration of acceptance documentation; - Preparation and issuance of daily work plan assignments in accordance with the monthly and daily schedule; - Determination of the need and formation of the production program for the provision of transport services, special equipment, accommodation, etc.; - Registration of primary documents for recording staff working hours: report card, staff shift schedule, vacation schedule, individual staff work schedules, attracting employees to overtime work
April 2015March 2018
3 years
«Sibintek» LLC

Krasnoyarsk, sibintek.ru/

Specialist of the Department of documentary support of construction and installation works and project support
- Preparation of documents for participation in procurement procedures for the supply of materials and equipment, construction, installation and commissioning in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law 223; - Preparation and approval of work schedules, contract agreements, additional agreements to contracts, taking into account new terms of work, changes in design and estimate documentation, additional volumes of work; - Accounting of completed construction and installation works, preparation of reporting forms on the implementation of capital construction plans; - Operational control over the progress of construction, installation and commissioning works in accordance with the design and regulatory documentation; - Control over the acceptance of work performed by subcontractors in accordance with the approved design and estimate documentation, with current standards, norms and rules; - Entering and recording the labor costs of the personnel of the installation and commissioning section in the 1C document Management system; - Preparation and approval of work projects and process maps
July 2014March 2015
9 months
«RN-Inform» LLC

Krasnoyarsk, rni.rosneft.ru/about/Glance/OperationalStructure/Servis/rni/

Specialist of the Department of documentary support of construction and installation works and project support
They correspond to the duties of a specialist in the Department of documentation support for construction and installation works and project support in «Sibintek» LLC
August 2013July 2014
1 year
«Gazkomplektavtomatika» LLC


Head of the construction and installation Department
- Organization and control of construction and installation, commissioning and installation supervision of security and fire alarm systems, access control and management, video surveillance, communication networks in accordance with the project documentation, building codes and regulations, technical conditions and other regulatory documents; - Development of network schedules and work schedules; - Recruitment, training and motivation of staff; - Development of the organization's regulatory documentation (job descriptions, regulations); - Formation and approval of the budget; - Registration of primary documents for recording employees ' working hours: report card, shift schedule, involvement of employees in overtime work; - Checking employees for professional aptitude, assessing their knowledge, skills and abilities in order to determine the degree of their compliance with their positions and determine the organization's personnel policy; - Participation in meetings with representatives of the Customer and contractors on production and technical issues
April 2013August 2013
5 months
«Gazkomplektavtomatika» LLC


Head of the installation Department
- Organization and control of construction, installation and commissioning of security and fire alarm systems, access control systems, video surveillance, communication networks; - Work with contract and design and estimate documentation; - Development and control of execution of work schedules, needs of goods and materials, staff mobilization; - Order and control of supplies of goods and materials; - Conducting negotiations with representatives of the customer and contractors for construction, installation and commissioning works; - Control over employees ' compliance with the rules and norms of labor protection, industrial and labor discipline, and internal labor regulations; - Maintenance of technical documentation according to the Customer's forms; - Maintaining reports on the performance of work; - Acceptance and signing of certificates of completed work volumes
December 2012April 2013
5 months
«Gazkomplektavtomatika» LLC


Production and technical Department technician
- Preparation and signing of sets of permits and Executive acceptance documents from the customer; - Preparation of calendar schedules for the production of works, the need for material and technical resources; - Participation in the development and preparation of work programs, projects, organization of construction, technological maps for production, electrical equipment
December 2010November 2012
2 years
«Intergaz» LLC


Construction supervision engineer
- Conducting continuous or selective quality control of work using visual, instrumental and physical methods of control; - Checking the results of tests of materials used in construction for compliance with the manufacturer's specifications; - Acceptance of hidden works with the relevant documentation; - Analysis of design and estimate documentation for the controllability of design solutions; - - Checking the completeness and compliance of the contractor's licensing and certification documents with the current technical regulations; - Checking for compliance of equipment and materials with design solutions and requirements of regulatory and technical documentation; - Control of incoming quality control of materials, products and equipment entering construction sites; - Confirmation of the scope of work performed by the contractor; - Control of compliance with the requirements of technological maps, work projects, when performing stages of construction and installation works
June 2010December 2010
7 months
«Sibneftegazmontazh» LLC


Engineer of the production and technical Department
- Preparation and transfer of acceptance documentation to the Customer; - Working with design and estimate documentation; - Development and approval of process maps, work projects; - Preparation of statements of work volumes, work schedules
May 2007June 2010
3 years 2 months
«SvyazInform-Volgograd» LLC


Engineer – designer of low-current systems
- Conclusion of contracts, coordination of terms of work with the customer; - Conducting design surveys; - Preparation of design and estimate documentation; - Coordination of work of installation teams


Skill proficiency levels
MS PowerPoint
Project management
Negotiation skills
Organizational skills
Team management
Business Correspondence
Team work
Construction control
Construction and installation works
Commissioning works
Integrated Control & Safety System

Driving experience

Driver's license category B

About me

- Practical experience in implementing large budget projects in the oil and gas industry in the construction of automation systems, security equipment, fire alarm systems, video surveillance, communications -10 years - Experience in planning, organizing and controlling installation and commissioning works at dangerous production facilities in the far North – 8 years - Experience in administrative management - 60 employees, engineers - 7 people, experience in managing contractors – 180 employees, engineers - 30 people. Professional skills / competencies: - Experience in construction from the zero cycle stage to the commissioning of the facility - Knowledge of the technological sequence and main processes of oil and gas processing - Understanding of automated control system algorithms, connection schemes, principles of operation and installation of instrumentation and control systems - Knowledge of the architecture of SCADA systems, design features, operating modes and rules of technical operation of automated process control systems and emergency shutdown system, including field instrumentation, cable networks, fire alarm systems, communication networks, top-level automated control systems, telemechanics - Ability to work with large amounts of information in multitasking mode - Ability to structure and organize data from different sources - Confident leadership, independent and team work - Negotiation and business correspondence skills with Contractors And Customers - Excellent communication skills, the ability to build constructive relationships based on mutual respect and understanding of common tasks - Ability to set priorities and make quick decisions in difficult situations - PC proficiency at the level of an experienced user (Microsoft Office components - Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Visio; AutoCad; 1C bit-Finance; SAP R3; Lotus Notes), EDMS - Registration in the national register of construction specialists "NOSTROY" (reference number C-34-219114) - English language proficiency - Pre-Intermediate – I can explain myself on the construction site Personal qualities: - Developed emotional intelligence (ability to handle stress) - Clear focus on results - Organizational skills - Striving for professional growth - Analytical mind - Systems thinking


Higher education

Ufa State Petroleum Technical University
Faculty of mining and oil, Development and operation of oil and gas fields
Information technology and telecommunications, Communication Networks and Switching Systems



EnglishB1 — Intermediate

Professional development, courses

Ufa State Petroleum Technical University
Ufa State Petroleum Technical University, Construction of main gas and oil pipelines, certificate
Ufa State Petroleum Technical University
Ufa State Petroleum Technical University, Automation of technological processes in the oil and gas industry, certificate
International training center «Spectrum»
International training center «Spectrum», Construction control over the quality of construction on especially dangerous objects, certificate
University of Integrated Security systems and Engineering
University of Integrated Security systems and Engineering, Design, installation, of security and fire alarm systems, CCTV access control for integrated security, certificate

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter